Let’s go fishing

Choose a session

For all other inquiries: seth@dreamfisher.net

Standard reading: $80

60 minutes, virtual or in-person. We’ll work through your question using as many cards as we need.

  • We’ll have a conversation about the cards and build a story together. Symbols have personal significance, and by working with me, I will connect your feelings about the images to the more universal stories behind each card.

    As we talk, I will add information from other systems of meaning that may or may not be visible on the cards we see. These systems are called tarot correspondences. I draw on a tarot system developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn at the turn of the 20th Century.

    From there, I weave the correspondences with Carl Jung’s ideas about the unconscious and human psyche. With patience, an answer will surface, and we will understand something that earlier seemed hidden.

Sensory reading: $120

90 minutes in-person. We’ll spend extra time connecting your reading to sensory experiences using scents and objects that correspond with key cards in your reading.

  • The sensory reading has all the substance of the standard reading, plus the added dimension of physical experience with scents and objects that correspond to key cards from your spread.

    I draw on a tarot correspondence system developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn at the turn of the 20th Century. The Golden Dawn corresponded everything they could to the cards, from gods and magical weapons to herbs, colors and musical notes.

    We’ll explore some of the physical correspondences to see if they open up any more meaning for you. I focus on scents because smell has one of the strongest attachments to memory. For example, we might explore the floral perfumes of Venus, the sharp spices of Mars, or Mercury’s bright and clarifying citrus.

    Another use of sensory correspondences is creating new meaning for an object that can carry the advice of the reading into daily life. For instance, if one of your cards corresponds with cinnamon, I might recommend you keep a cinnamon stick near a place where you need to recall the advice of the reading.

Tarot tutoring: $200

4 hours of personal tarot reading lessons, virtual or in-person. We’ll co-create a curriculum and schedule to help you grow as a tarot reader.

  • Talking through the magical meaning making of tarot with all of its esoterics and psychology is one of my favorite activities. I will work with you to create a curriculum focused on your goals and interests. Some focus areas you could consider include:

    Elementary tarot - trumps, suits and numbers

    Court cards

    Astrological correspondences

    Kabbalah Tree of Life

    Jungian perspectives

    You may choose to schedule your four hours of Tarot tutoring sessions in increments of 1-hour or 2-hour blocks.

Sliding scale or trade:

Offer what you can

I don’t want money to be a barrier. I’m open to discussing different ways to find a mutual gain.

Free introduction

Not sure where to start? Want to get to know me first? Schedule a free 20-minute virtual introduction with me.

Meet me online or at my home

For all other inquiries: seth@dreamfisher.net